Phishing e truffa ASSURDE: il messaggio che deruba gli utenti

Un messaggio scritto in inglese sta facendo credere agli utenti di poter ricevere dei soldi, ma in realtà è solo una truffa.

In basso si trova proprio il testo completo con tutte le informazioni a riguardo. State molto attenti a non cliccare sul link e a non mandare indietro compilato il modulo come indica appunto il messaggio di posta elettronica.

Truffa il messaggio è pericoloso: ecco il testo a cui non dovete dare seguito

Attention Fund Beneficiary,

Acting on our capacity as the international correspondent bank to the International Monetary Fund Organization, this is to officially notify you that we have received a confirmation advice from the International Monetary Funds External Auditors Committee, World Bank, United Nations Organization and the Federal Reserve Bank of America respectively via International Payment Voucher Number: IMF/FRBWDC/CTY-93WB82UN567-G requesting our Bank of America to disburse your due wining/inheritance contract payment valued at Ten Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$10.3M) in your favor.

Having received these vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to receive and confirm your payment within the next 96hrs. As necessary clearance has been granted from the International Monetary Funds External Auditors to release the funds to you with immediate effect.

In view of this directive received from the International Monetary Funds (IMF), we have on our own part verified your payment file as directed to us, and your name is next on the list of outstanding fund beneficiaries to receive their payment.

We wish to inform you of the need for you to also re-confirm the following information before the Bank of America to enable us proceed with the preliminary arrangements that will enhance the immediate release of your funds.

1) Full Name;
2) Full Address;
3) Your contact telephone and fax number;
4) Your Age and Profession;
5) Copy of any valid form of your Identification;
6) Your Bank name;
7) Your Bank Address;
8) Account name;
9) Account number;
10) ABA/Routing Number;
11) Swift or Sort Code“.

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