
Truffa, vi hanno filmato mentre eravate davanti al PC: ATTENZIONE

Cosa pensereste nel caso in cui qualcuno dovesse contattarvi dicendovi di avervi registrato mentre eravate davanti allo schermo del vostro computer? La nuova truffa agisce proprio così, facendo credere alle persone che qualcuno sia riuscito ad impossessarsi del suo PC.

Gli hacker riferiscono di aver registrato dei video delle vittime davanti al loro computer in atteggiamenti intimi. Per non diffondere questi fantomatici video, i malviventi richiedono un pagamento in Bitcoin. Ovviamente è tutto fasullo, solo una scusa per portare le persone a sborsare la cifra, ovviamente non tracciabile.

La truffa è pericolosa: vi fanno credere di avervi registrato davanti al vostro PC

“Hi there!

I am a professional hacker and have successfully managed to hack your operating system.
Currently I have gained fu! ll access to your account.

When I hacked into your mail_account, your password was: [QUI I TRUFFATORI INSERISCONO LA PASSWORD REALE DELLA VITTIMA]

In addition, I was secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months.
The thing is your computer was infected with harmful spyware due to the fact that you had visited a website with porn content previously.

Thanks to Trojan viruses, I can gain complete access to your computer or any other device that you own.
It means that I can see absolutely everything in your screen and switch on the camera as well as microphone at any point of time without your permission.
In addition, I can also access and see your confidential information as well as your emails and chat messages.

I have made a video compilation, which shows on the! left side the scenes of you happily masturbating,
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment.

I believe you would definitely want to avoid this from happening.
Here is what you need to do – transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 1290 USD to my Bitcoin account
(that is! rather a simple process, which you can check out online in case if you don’t know how to do that).

Below is my bitcoin acc! ount information (Bitcoin wallet)“.

Pubblicato da
Felice Galluccio