Truffa phishing di settembre 2024: il messaggio che ruba i soldi

Anche oggi una truffa avrebbe colto di sorpresa diversi utenti mettendoli nei guai in pochissimo tempo.

I truffatori parlano infatti di aver visto il povero malcapitato che riceve il messaggio in atteggiamenti intimi davanti al suo pc, avendolo presumibilmente spiato dalla webcam. Per evitare che il video finisca in rete, i truffatori richiedono un pagamento di 1300 dollari via bitcoin incollando anche l’indirizzo a cui inviare il pagamento.

Truffa con un inganno clamoroso: attenti a non farvi derubare

Ovviamente potete stare tranquilli in quanto non c’è nulla di reale in questo messaggio, intanto eccolo qui:

Hello, my perverted friend.

We’ve actually known each other for a while, at least I know you.
You can call me Big Brother or the All-Seeing Eye.
I’m a hacker who a few months ago gained access to your device, including your browser history and webcam.
I recorded some videos of you jerking off to highly controversial “adult” videos.
I doubt you’d want your family, coworkers, and your entire [MAIL DELLA VITTIMA] contact list to see footage of you pleasuring yourself,
especially considering how kinky your favorite “genre”.
I will also publish these videos on porn sites, they will go viral and it will be physically impossible to remove them from the Internet.

How did I do this?
Because of your disregard for internet security, I easily managed to install a Trojan on your hard disk.
Thanks to this, I was able to access all the data on your device and control it remotely.
By infecting one device, I was able to gain access to all the other devices.

My spyware is embedded in the drivers and updates its signature every few hours, so no antivirus or firewall can ever detect it.
Now I want to offer a deal: a small amount of money in exchange for your former worry free life.

Transfer $1300 USD to my bitcoin wallet:1FuhTuHth4r9XKFuXudigNYsrN3nMPnG8w“.

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